Wednesday, March 18, 2009

well its been a month so i figured it was time to update the blog. no new pictures since i'd rather not be photographed at this stage! we seem to be in a "holding" mode here in oklahoma. the house has been on the market for about two weeks. we're told NOTHING is moving but we keep praying! we found a place to live in iowa which really takes a load off our minds. i (jess) am ready to meet this little bundle of joy. everything seems to be getting harder...especially tying my combat boots! about four weeks until the "official" due date but i'm really hoping she comes a little early :) in march we got to go to my cousin clark's wedding in denver and now the travel is restricted. we have "childbirth class" this weekend and the letter said "bring pillows" if they think i'm gonna get myself on the floor they've got another thing coming haha. seems like we see the OB all the time now....we're at the weekly visit stage. well, that's about all that's new here.....just waiting! keep us in your prayers and we'll keep you updated!